SVFD co3:Volunteer page

Thinking about become a volunteer?

Click here if you would like more information about becoming a volunteer


VOLUNTEER Firefighter Requirements:

To qualify for the position of volunteer firefighter, an individual must:
Meet residence requirements?
    You do not have to be a Scarsdale resident to join the Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Department.
    However the SVFD has a minimum percentage of residents across the membership.

Meet the active membership requirements or bylaws of the entity or organization.
    A prospective member must attend 5 official drills,i and be voted in by the membership.
    Then Complete an application, submit to state investigation for arson to join.

Successfully complete required probation or training needs.
    Pass annual medical exam.
    Attended at least 6 drills every year.

Age requirement
    Volunteers must be 18 years of age..
    Volunteer program for those 14 to 18 years of age. Click here

Volunteer fire departments provide:

Injury compensation under The Volunteer Firefighters Benefit Law.
Company- and state-sponsored training.
Social/organizational benefits.
Retirement incentives in some departments.
Fire fighting turnout gear, and clothing

History of Company 3:

Place holder for history

Questions and Answers:

How can I be a volunteer firefighter when I work full time?
You are required to respond to emergency calls only when you are available.

I commute to New York City. How helpful can it be to have me as a Scarsdale volunteer firefighter?

It could be the difference between life and death, or the difference between minimal damage or total loss. You can make the difference to your neighbors when you are in the area.

I do not know anything about firefighting?

No problem! We will train you thoroughly and equip you completely to be a front line firefighter. On-going training sessions give you the skills and the experience to fight fires, promote fire safety and to respond with your acquired skills in an emergency.

Who is a Scarsdale volunteer firefighter?

We belong to one of 23,000 volunteer firefighter organizations in the U.S.
We are one of over 100 volunteer firefighters in Scarsdale.
We respond to emergencies and fights fires with the best equipment, training, and support from our fellow firefighters.